Monday, May 7, 2012

your thoughts..?...

Spent the day cutting down trees at my sister's place today... great fun, hard work separated by trying to work out how to drop trees on her little block and not on the houses next door!... a little tired...  but I have a question....

I am thinking that while I am spending months and months away in China this year, that I should use the time a little productively and do and MBA at the time....

what do you think?


  1. How many of those further up the corporate food chain have the MBA?
    In Memjet (nee Silverbrook) the MBAs are few and rare. And the only guy I knew who went ahead and enrolled in such a course just got fired. But in ResMed, which was a much more normal large tech company, they clustered heavily at the near top. (The guys at the absolute top tend to be founders, and hence tech heads, or lawyers and accountants.)

    1. There are a lot of MBAs up there... but the HR people seem to be fairly ambivalent to them.
      A lot of people got PUT onto executive MBA courses....

      I am also trying to find out if there are any other things that I might be able to do that increase my qualifications without necessarily being an MBA.... but frankly, the MBA seems the easiest.

  2. Would certainly be a productive use of your time. Can your RFRD take it?? Hahaha

    1. I really don't know. After spending the last couple of weeks there, I am not sure if I am kidding myself that I would do anything or not.
      But it is very likely to get very very boring over there.

  3. Did you decide to do the MBA while you were in China ? I am about 1/2 way through my MBA now and am finding it very helpful. And generally recommend it to those that are thinking about it, as there is always something you will get out of it.

    1. No. Ended up letting it go.
      I am glad in the end, 11 hours x 6 days a week, and still maintaining some sort of fitness, and a stringent beer drinking schedule, I am not sure if I would have fit it in.
      I did end up realising that I was only after the qualification... not any actual education.
      I continue to be of the belief that if I want to learn something, then I go and learn it.
      Many of the people I spoke to said that it was more of a networking exercise than an education... and that was where the benefit if any came - what has been your experience? What helpful stuff are you getting?
