Monday, September 19, 2011

stuck in hong kong....

we got on the plane, enjoyed a few glorious minutes of thinking we were leaving as we pushed off from the gate, then came back in because of a water leak....
they said that we will probably get back on the plane in 45 minutes,.... which I think means I will be a day late home.... we shall see!!

i have spent the time scouring ebay for things to spend money on - and so far doing ok....
for the sake of my bank account i hope we end up on a plane soon!

Update:  Here are the "engineers" working on the plane after we got back on there for the second time and it was all clear.... 5 hours late we got to take off....

Thursday, September 15, 2011


thought it was interesting....
what do you think?

Sun through barely transparent air...

The fog/pollution/cloud/humidty/smoke has been very bad this trip....
but it does make the sun look cool!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

airpot lounge

Sitting in the Qantas Club in Brisbane, boarding in half an hour or so....
China for a week.... hmmmmm....
and this time by myself with MUCH less assistance from guides and that sort of thing.  I think there is a fair chance I will live through it - but I might be skinnier at the end of it!

As a result, more China photos soon I am sure.

I found and ate a "Butterfinger" yesterday... much harder to find in Australia..... it tasted goooooooood.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

random Philippines shots...

Very serious looking traffic cop...

can someone please tell me why, after I have slept in it, my hotel bed always looks like it was dropped from a helicopter?

there was a typhoon off the coast, so all the billboards were folded up so that they would not collapse on the buildings and looking something like my hotel bed.....

I do have to admit, the country side was pretty.....

the hill of trudgery.....

I cannot count the number of times we walked up this hill in the rain (or swimming through our own sweat!) to set something up or check out how it went after we tested it....

and purtly lil ol me in my nice blue hard hat.... playing with dangerous toys in the mud....

Gas safety 101

first lesson... don't do either of these things...

Friday, September 2, 2011

In the Philippines...

and it has been raining like you would not believe.
I have been doing all sorts of testing involving trudging up a hill... setting up an explosion and trudging back down... all in the rain....

been fun!