Monday, April 25, 2011

At one of the local Dams

Which of course now have water in them... which makes the visit much more pleasant.
Lots of just playing around going on.  A very pleasant way to spend some of Easter Monday / ANZAC day..

Friday, April 22, 2011


topic for the challenge for the photo meeting - illumination.
So here are Izak and Alexander starring as...
"the only people who are handy that I can convince to be models for me!!".

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Not quite right

Ever wake up in the morning and think that things are not quite right.
That maybe there is some flaw in the way you are seeing things?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Self awareness..

It was only a few years ago that we thought that the only animals in the world that had self awareness were humans.

We now find out that animals from dolphins through to chimps are able to recognise themselves in the mirror.

BUT... the amazing thing is that crows / ravens and magpies have shown the same awareness... that is a lot of very interesting consciousness packed into a tiny little brain.

So what is the point of this?
The point is, that despite the fact that some of  the people I have dealt with recently appear to have no discernible brain, there is still the possibility that they might, just might still recongnise themselves in the mirror.