Saturday, November 30, 2013

Life is not a movie

Izak wrote a play this year, that he performed with one of his class mates….
One of the more memorable parts of it

I:  Oh look…. a time portal!!
H:  How do you know it is a time portal?
I:  Well, cause it says so in the script!

But from what I have heard, life in not a movie…. Which unfortunately means we do not get scripts to work out what is going on.

As far as I can work out… if it were a movie, there would need to be more work on the sets!
Wrecked dollhouse 
Friendship in Ruins

Above it allIf it was a movie… . I would hope it was something exciting!  Something like a spy movie where you get to paraglide over cities and stuff...


It isn't one... cause there are complicated bits, and parts with no scripts.
There are plot twists that make no sense - bits that are tragic or frustrating with no payoff.  There are things that seem important that are introduced to the story, but go no where..
Things that make good stories, are often terrible, confusing or painful to live through.
(but just cause something was terrible, confusing or painful does not necessarily make it a good story!)
People do not come in only 2 dimensions, they come in 3 (or many many more) and cannot be easily read.  (Luckily - this is my favourite type of person! - I must like being challenged or confused [of course being where I am right now, I have a lot of opportunity to be confused!])

But regardless of whether or not there is a director... I am happy to be here!

Wow - obviously feeling all thoughtful today!  I am in hyper-ramble....

Oh Look - a time portal.Oh Look…. A  time portal!!  (it is not just mogwai and gremlins you find in Chinese shops!)

Friday, November 29, 2013

BBQ Time

Had out own little Thanksgiving BBQ again this week....
(Ok - really we just had a BBQ - which we do as often as we can!)
Imported beef (we tried we stuff we are able to buy here- and it really really did not work - it was like eating shoes)...

But this time, it was very good indeed.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Emergency Exit....

Exiting is something I am thinking about a lot at the moment....
So when the power went out at our hotel again... off down the only functioning stairs....
Down 6 floors... this is the junction between 4 and 3....

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Tuesday, November 19, 2013


Well the set subject for my photography club back home is "solitude"....
If the theme was "birds" or "blue skies" or "family fun" then I would have some trouble....
but solitude.... yeah.... there is plenty of that around if you want it...

Safety Tip.

Given what I am about to become when I get home... (which cannot come soon enough).... I feel compelled to give a safety tip today....

If you must be down a hole with just your head sticking out...
Try not to do it in the middle of a busy intersection.....

Wednesday, November 6, 2013