Sunday, September 11, 2011

airpot lounge

Sitting in the Qantas Club in Brisbane, boarding in half an hour or so....
China for a week.... hmmmmm....
and this time by myself with MUCH less assistance from guides and that sort of thing.  I think there is a fair chance I will live through it - but I might be skinnier at the end of it!

As a result, more China photos soon I am sure.

I found and ate a "Butterfinger" yesterday... much harder to find in Australia..... it tasted goooooooood.


  1. Just came back from China myself.

    Photos should be up by tonight.

    I went to a job interview there...
    Not MY job interview, it was Ping's interview. I was brought along as a prop. "See, I can handle and deal with Gweilos. Here's one I prepared earlier."

    The first interview lasted from Lunch to about 9 pm. At least food and alcohol was served, which is a nice improvement over any Australian interview I've been to.

    The second started at 1am. In the morning. Yes, it turns out there are two "1 o'clocks". The guy was supposed to be available earlier, but his "meeting" ran late. I put "" around meeting because apparently he was clearly plastered when he turned up, but still managed a bunch of tricky questions. I say "apparently" because I didn't go to that interview. I said "nngrhh" and went back to sleep instead.

    The next (and final) interview was brunch. Finishing at 4 pm.

    She's now looking for a someone to cover her at her business when she goes back in Oct for training.

  2. So has there been a result on the interview yet.... did you look like a suitably tame Westerner?

  3. Read the last sentence in my comment again.
