Sunday, August 5, 2012

Down side of an older car...

So, there are all these things you take for granted when you have them....
and when you make a decision to go back to an older model, they are no longer there....

In this case, in every car I have owned for the last 2 decades I have had a little thing that tells me "distance to empty".  I no longer have that - and it turns out that I use that a lot...

My car decided to stop working on the highway on the way home.
I pulled off to the side, called Ruth, who soon arrived, (laughing the whole way) with a fuel can.

Luckily I had a camera to record the whole experience...


  1. If only you knew someone who knew about electronics, they could whip up a suitable warning light circuit (with an added warning buzzer if the light isn't enough!) in a few minutes.
    Perhaps Ruth could do it for you?

  2. Being roadside out of gas can be quite humbling. LOL
